I sourced a 20% coupon for Harbor Freight from the awesome site http://www.hfqpdb.com/. If I had the patience, I could have waited for a 25%, but whateva.
I headed down to HF and bought model 42708 ‘870lb 40×49 util trailer’. It came in 2 small boxes – 1 for the axles and frame rails, the other had the wheels, lights, fenders, etc.
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8% CA Tax
It went together very quickly. I decided to assemble the axle under the springs with the stock spring pack. I suspect I’ll need to remove a leaf to soften the ride (I did on my fold-able 4×8 kart trailer), and I may need to flip the axle to lower it (!) to match the height of the Miata. Besides, who doesn’t love a lowered trailer?
I cleaned out all the factory grease that the bearings/ hubs came packed with. I’ve read a few horror stories about it not working as it should. I repacked and filled with a Moly grease, but I can’t figure out why I just didn’t use the Mobil Synthetic wheel bearing grease I use on everything else. Oh well. Lets see how well it holds up. With these little wheels we should be turning some impressive RPM’s – and that equals HEAT.
I hitched it up just as it was built to the Mazda5, and drug it to the DMV. A worker there said he couldn’t inspect it until I put a top onto it (?!?!) I shot over to Lowes and bought a cheap piece of 1/8″ plywood and asked one of the guys to rip it to size. After throwing it onto the trailer, I literally strapped it to the trailer with ratchet straps. Done.

The plywood was $14 for the 4×8 sheet, and now I had a 4′ square left over. Lately, I’ve been looking for a solution to stop my desk chair from sinking into the carpet. The padding on the carpet is quite thick, and the standard plastic ‘Office Depot’ type mats just crack and break. After wandering around Lowes, I found some 6″x48″ self-stick flooring. Boom goes the dynamite. I sanded and painted the wood a dark color, then stuck those bad-boys on. Thick carpet office desk mat. Works great, and my expenditure for the trailer’s wood goes to $7.
After several hours at the DMV, I walked out with a plate and a registration for the next 5 years for $21.
Total so far? $195.65

Hello. I have a problem. One of my bearing grease hubs popped off while driving. I am having a really hard time finding them. Do you know where I can get these hubs. Thanks